Music + Band

Amethyst Stark
Music + Band

The awe and emotional rawness of experiencing music is the greatest kindling for a budding musician. It is my responsibility to bring these two immensely gratifying elements of music together in the classroom.

As a classically trained musician with a degree in music performance and a background in music therapy, I approach class from a therapeutic perspective. My students and I have mutually respected relationships where we understand we are partners in this musical journey. My goal is to educate the whole musician, including music theory, ear training, technical skills, sight-reading, music history, creative expressions, resilience, self-discipline, and responsibility during their learning.

At MDS, I know that the whole student is supported through the arts as well as through academics. Rather than see the arts slowly fade from the school curriculum, MDS looks for ways to make it grow and flourish. This is why I have made MDS my home to educate future musicians and lovers of the arts.